Agatha Chelsea – Me Vs. Mami
saat pertama ku
memandang dia
langsung jatuh hati
ini rasanya
namun mengapa…
mami slalu curiga
slalu bilang ku tak tahu apa apa
suka kesal sendiri
tapi mau apa lagi…
mami but a like him
you always say want
the best for me
so please understand
me this time
i’m not you litlle
princeess anymore
saat pertama ku
memandang dia
langsung jatuh hati
ini rasanya
namun mengapa mami
slalu curiga
selalu bilang ku tak
tahu apa apa
suka kesal sendiri
tapi mau apa lagi
mami but a like him
you always say want
the best for me
so please understand
me this time
i’m not you little
princess anymore
i know you just want
to make happy
but is not the way i
want to be
do you ever feel like
how i feel now
every just listen to
my world
every just listen to
my heart
mami but a like him
you always say want
the best for me
so please understand
me this time
i’m not you little
princess anymore
mami but a like him
you always say want
the best for me
so please understand
me this time
i’m not you little
princess anymore
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Me vs Mami